TeensDiary Part-1: Obsession

Its like a stucking feeling you get when you are texting a person and expecting an immediate reply from that person but that person doesn't replies so you just throw off your phone and you're off to sleep bc you are desperately lacking off sleep. Even when you want to sleep and you are just about to sleep your phone starts beeping and you start thinking its a text from that person but when you check your phone you actually get a notification from Horoscopic site saying "Aaj tere bhaagye khulne waale nai!!!

The only way to get out of such obsession is just to give yourself some time and stop over thinking about those shits. I mean those shits doesn't even worth your attention, you have got a lot more stuffs to do in your life then why wasting time?! All you have to do is get yourself away from persons and situations that threatens your peace of mind,self respect, morale,values or self-worth. And channelise your energy in the correct direction that is going to be benefitting for you. Everyone is born with a purpose and it is their own responsibility to find it. So whether you have a supportive parent or not, don't get down, a great number of mass of your age group is suffering through the same scenario. But what makes the difference is that how you deal with it. Know yourself who you are and what you are worth of and then put and push yourself towards the betterment of it. Eventually you'll notice gradual change within yourself and that is the moment of realisation when you finally get to realise you are so much more worthier than you had estimated. Obsession can cripple one's self-esteem and can also stunt their progress so be more and more open-minded and let go off that which irks you.
This is the only life you have got- don't squander it. You can do better. You should do better. It is your right to do better. Set your goals, make a plan and get to work on turning your dream to reality!


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