TeensDiary Part-2: Body Shame

Do you think your body isn't perfect? Or your skin isn't fair enough? Or does that pimple and patch is constantly bothering you?

So you put up a filter and a 100 hundred edits before sharing your photos online. You cut down your diet to an extremely miserable piece of thing to get fit in that what you call Perfect-Figure! And you started experimenting with all types of skin care items along with that Gharelu Nuske (home made remedies) to remove that pinch of a black spot from corner of your cheek. Because you thought you aren't beautiful enough or aren't pretty enough.

What makes you beautiful? Did you ever asked yourself that?

Feeling confident, being comfortable in your skin that's what really makes you beautiful.

You know that body, the one you hate because it won't lose any weight for you?

The body that you keep cropping in photographs because you fail to see it's worth?

You know that body, the one you fear to look in mirror because you can't stand the stretch marks?

The body you pinch and tug at because you wish so badly to change?

You know that body?

It loves you anyway. We fight, and they love us anyway. Our body is our best friend. They are ours, for our whole lives, they will carry us through. They are our home. And please know, our body and us, we are one, you are one. No matter what we say to ourselves, we breathe. No matter how we treat ourselves, we breathe. No matter how we speak; what we do; how we feel about our bodies, it breathes for us.

If we treated anyone like this, would they fight to keep us alive?

Every day?

I doubt it.

Numbers don't decide your beauty, a measuring tape won't make you beautiful. Whether you're tall or shorter, or a little bigger, more curves, skinny you just have to be proud of what you have, and everyone is beautiful. Let go of the comparisons; the self judgement; the hatred; the wishes to be different.

Let go of it.

Let go of constantly wishing you were something else, someone else. Stop scrolling on social media, falling down a rabbit hole of self hate quotes.

Let go of it.

You are you. You will always be you. Find the beauty in that. Look how beautiful your body is, how the stretch marks resembles the thunder within you, your body tells how many years you've lived, how much you've taken in, what all you've gone through and still you stand strong. Every mark, every little areas of imperfections and flaws makes you yourself, makes you human and that is what is beautiful. Don't harm, don't go for days of not eating properly just to gain a number which you think is perfect, you are worth more than self - destruction ; just by being alive I know this. See yourself in this light. How you feel about yourself is more important than how you look. Being comfortable in your skin that's what makes you beautiful.


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